Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Thriteen Behaviors: #2 Demonstrate Respect 1/19/2018

The 13 Behaviors: #2 Demonstrate Respect* The two parts of "demonstrate respect" include: behave in ways that show fundamental respect and in ways that demonstrate caring and concern. I would say that these are like being courteous and generous. In 1922 the famous columnist Emily Post wrote, "to make a pleasant and friendly impression is not only good manners but equally good business." This might seem like a foreign language to an Army audience but many of us have learned in Asia and the Middle East that it is considered rude to conduct business without first asking about a person health or the welfare of their family. But isn't this really this is just human nature? After all, what do you think when you go into a business and you stand around waiting for someone to greet you? If instead someone immediately says welcome and I'll be right with you probably have a much better first impression. Many argue that today courtesy is a core business principal - just ask a manager at Nordstrom's or even Chic-filet. This is also true in our personal lives; our relationships with our own family can be improved with a courteous and generous attitude. Call, write, acknowledge and thank are all little actions that pay big dividends in trust with all those around us. Combined with talking straight, demonstrating respect can open doors of trust in almost any situation. (Consider a commander who orders his troops to "smile" at the hostile crowd -

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