Friday, February 23, 2018

The 13 Behaviors: # 6: Deliver Results 2/22/2018

Behavior 6: Deliver Results The first five characteristics; talk straight, demonstrate respect, create transparency, right wrongs, and show loyalty, are all “character” behaviors. Behavior 6, deliver results, begins the “competency” behaviors. Deliver results may seem primarily like a “business “ competency, and indeed in a team setting it is very important, but results are important in every trust relationship. Pull your weight, be on time, get ‘er’ done, are just as important in a marriage/family setting as they are at work. After all, what’s a relationship like when you can’t count on others to do their part? In teams, those who deliver results build trust quickly. People like that are spoken about with words like “I can always count on her/him to do the job, meet the deadline, finish under budget.” The opposite of those who deliver results are easy to spot, those who perform poorly. However, the “counterfeit, “ perhaps the most unhelpful, are those who create a lot of activity, talk a good game, but never cross the finish line. Strong leaders help teams set goals and hold people accountable for results. Great teams always figure out how to “score” no matter the obstacles. Both the book and the Strong Bonds curriculum explain these principals in great detail and help you figure out how to apply them in your context.** Army Leadership Doctrine: As you look at the Army Leadership Requirements Model (ADRP 6-22, Figure 1-1) you see the attribute Achieves (gets results). Of the 6 ALRM attributes this one is the least defined. No doubt that is because every leadership position is different; nevertheless we should always be on guard for "activity" masquerading as "results." *This is a reflection on a section of pages 157-162 of the book "The Speed of Trust" by Steven M.R. Covey which is the basis of the Strong Bonds curriculum The Speed of Trust for Families/Marriages/Soldiers. I highly recommend both! **CH Gramling posts a religious thought from a Christian perspective on the leadership thoughts each week at

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