Thursday, November 2, 2017

Emotional Intelligence – Self Management Strategies 3/14/17

Emotional Intelligence – Self Management Strategies* Controlling your emotions and saying and doing what is best in any situation only comes from constant practice. Getting control of yourself is the most difficult part for many people. They know how they feel but keeping their feelings in check is the challenge. If you react emotionally you can get in the way of your own best interest. The strategies for self-management are: Breathe Right, Create an Emotion vs. a Reason List, Make your Goals Public, Count to Ten, Sleep On It, Talk to a Skilled Self-Manager, Smile and Laugh More, Set Aside Some Time in Your Day for Problem Solving, Take Control of Your Self Talk, Visualize Yourself Succeeding, Clean Up your Sleep Hygiene, Focus Your Attention on Your Freedoms Rather than Your Limitations, Stay Synchronized, Speak to Someone Who is NOT Emotionally Invested in Your Problem, Learn a Valuable Lesson from Everyone You Encounter, Put a Mental Recharge into Your Schedule, Accept that Change is Just around the Corner. If you say that these strategies sound similar to those found in Resiliency Training you would be right. The book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 covers each of these in great detail. ** Army Leadership Doctrine: ADRP 6-0 (Mission Command) paragraph 2-4 to 2-8 discusses building teams through interpersonal relationships based on trust. Leaders who handle the “two-way communication and interaction” between the led and the leader will be successful. Army doctrine states the obvious (but not always recognized) truth that Emotionally Intelligent leaders are generally more successful. Please let me know if you have further ideas/comments on this subject. *This is a personal reflection on chapter 6 of the book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves – I heard this speaker at an event called the Global Leadership Summit held in late summer each year. The next summit will be Aug 10-11 at 600 locations nationwide. ** For a religious thought on this reflection you may consider 2 Timothy 1:7 or for a spiritual one consult (search the term self-control).

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